
(SeaPRwire) –   南非警方周五突袭了一个疑似秘密军事训练营,逮捕了95名利比亚国民,当局表示正在调查该国其他地区是否存在更多非法基地。 警方表示,这个训练营位于姆普马兰加省白河的一个农场,距离约翰内斯堡东北约360公里(220英里)。 国家警察发言人阿特伦达·马特在社交媒体网站X上发帖称,利比…


(SeaPRwire) –   數千隻橡皮鴨於 7 月 25 日星期四在倫敦舉行的慈善比賽中爭先恐後地抵達終點線,該活動支持 Cosmic Charity,該慈善機構照顧重症監護中的嬰兒和兒童。 橡皮鴨從附近一座橋上被扔進運河後,站在滑板上的工作人員幫助它們推進了 100 米的路程,到達終點線。 Cosmi…


(SeaPRwire) –   法國的一個主要鐵路系統在今天晚些時候舉行的開幕式之前,已經受到嚴重影響。 法國國家鐵路公司 (SNCF) 今天早上表示,「在針對癱瘓高速鐵路網絡的大規模襲擊之後,大量火車被改道或取消。」 法國國家鐵路公司執行長 Jean-Pierre Farandou 週五告訴記者,鐵路系統…


(SeaPRwire) –   耶路撒冷——以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡定于周五在其位于佛罗里达州的海湖庄园与前总统特朗普会面,以修复破裂的关系。 在总统拜登在 2020 年总统大选中击败特朗普后,内塔尼亚胡向当选总统拜登表示祝贺,促使特朗普指责以色列领导人,并据以色列记者巴拉克·拉维德称,特朗普说:“自从…

CITIC Resources Announces its 2024 Interim Results

HONG KONG, July 26, 2024 – (ACN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – CITIC Resources Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as the CITIC Resources or the Company, or the Group when its subsidiaries are included; Stock Code: 1205.HK) announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the “Period”). Rocketing […]

OmniGuide Holdings Announces Successful Completion of Patient Study for Revolutionary iSTONE(TM) Laser-Guided Lithotripsy Technology

Billerica, MA, July 26, 2024 – (ACN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – OmniGuide Holdings, Inc. (OGH) is thrilled to announce the successful completion of a groundbreaking patient study for its innovative iSTONE™ software, a laser-guided system designed for real-time automatic target identification in endoscopic stone lithotripsy. This advancement marks a significant milestone in the treatment of urolithiasis, promising a new […]

VCI Global Enters into AI Computing Alliance (AICA) Led by Enlight Corporation and Supermicro

KUALA LUMPUR, July 26, 2024 – (ACN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: VCIG) (Frankfurt: H0T) (“VCI Global”, “VCIG”, or the “Company”), an AI and technology aggregator, is thrilled to announce its entry into a groundbreaking AI Computing Alliance (“AICA”). This is a collaborative initiative led by Enlight Corporation (TWSE: 2438) (“Enlight”), and […]

RoboTech Cloud Brings Cutting-Edge AI and Robotics Solutions to Spain

New York, NY – July 26, 2024 – (SeaPRwire) – RoboTech Cloud proudly announces its plan to enter the Spanish market, offering a comprehensive suite of advanced AI and robotics services. Their company specializes in automating business processes, integrating sophisticated robotics, and implementing machine learning solutions to enhance operational efficiency and productivity. They address the unique […]

DOCOMO and NTT Com Jointly Demonstrate Practicality of DOCOMO’s New Multi-platform Cloud-rendering Technology

TOKYO, July 26, 2024 – (JCN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – NTT DOCOMO, INC. and NTT Communications Corporation jointly announced today that they have conducted a test to successfully demonstrate the new multi-platform cloud-rendering technology developed by DOCOMO, which enables tablets and smartphones to easily access real-time three-dimensional (3D) video in outdoor and other environments. The […]

華邦科技集團成員及策略夥伴攬獲「專業金融機構服務大獎2024」兩項殊榮 [更新版]

香港, 2024年7月26日 – (亞太商訊 via SeaPRwire.com) — 華邦科技控股有限公司(上市編號:3638,下連同其附屬公司統稱「本集團」)欣然宣佈,旗下兩家集團成員接連奪得由《香港商報》、《全球商報聯盟》及《經濟導報》聯袂頒發的「專業金融機構服務大獎2024」,其中港灣家族辦公室有限…


香港, 2024年7月26日 – (亞太商訊 via SeaPRwire.com) — 華邦科技控股有限公司(上市編號:3638,下連同其附屬公司統稱「本集團」)欣然宣佈,旗下兩家附屬公司接連奪得由《香港商報》、《全球商報聯盟》及《經濟導報》聯袂頒發的「專業金融機構服務大獎2024」,其中港灣家族辦公室有限…


(SeaPRwire) –   由於安全疑慮,法國將在奧運期間提供精銳警力,而開幕式將於週五舉行。 「有些人企圖破壞這項歡樂盛事的慶祝性質,」以色列外交部長伊斯雷爾·卡茨在給法國外交部長的信中寫道。 「我們目前正在評估伊朗恐怖主義代理人和其他恐怖組織可能造成的威脅,這些組織企圖在奧運期間對以色列代表團成員和…

TANAKA Precious Metals Provided Award Items and Ceremony Souvenirs for the International Friendly Matches of the Japan Men’s National Blind Football Team at the “DAICEL Blind Football Japan Cup 2024 in Osaka” on July 7

TOKYO, July 26, 2024 – (JCN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – TANAKA Holdings Co., Ltd. (Head office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Group CEO: Koichiro Tanaka), the pure holding company of TANAKA Precious Metals, provided award items and ceremony souvenirs for the international friendly matches of the Japan Men’s National Blind Football Team at the “DAICEL Blind Football Japan […]

British Veterinary Association Ends Opposition to Vegan Diets for Dogs

SOUTHAMPTON, ENGLAND, July 26, 2024 – (ACN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has ended its opposition to (nutritionally-sound) vegan diets for dogs. Until recently, its opposition was regularly reported. However, the BVA also has a corporate partnership with Mars Petcare, which makes large sums from selling meat-based pet foods. Stated Andrew Knight, veterinary Professor […]

Global New Material International (GNMI) Signs Agreement to Acquire Merck’s Surface Solutions Business

HONG KONG/FRANKFURT, July 25, 2024 – (ACN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – Global New Material International Holdings Limited (“GNMI”, Hong Kong stock code: 06616), announced today that it has entered into an agreement (“Agreement”) with Merck KGaA, (“Merck”) to acquire Merck’s global surface solutions business (“Surface Solutions”) for EUR 665,000,000 (equivalent to approximately RMB 5,187,000,000 or […]


香港, 2024年7月25日 – (亞太商訊 via SeaPRwire.com) — 7月24日至25日,東方經濟論壇(Eastern Economic Forum)在香港舉辦場外活動,來自俄羅斯和香港的代表聚首一堂,就拓展經貿關係的和新的合作機會進行討論。會後,香港企業家計劃在2024東方經濟論壇上展示…


(SeaPRwire) –   拜登總統的演講沒有引起外國領袖的太多反應,但中國和俄羅斯卻引發了一起空軍事件,這預示著未來幾個月可能發生的情況,一位專家表示。 「俄羅斯和中國幾乎肯定會利用白宮中不穩定的局勢,」雷貝卡·科夫勒,一位戰略軍事情報分析師和「普京的策略」一書的作者,告訴 Digital。 「我預計…

Prilla Announces Its Efforts in the Online Retail Space for Pouch Products

New York, NY – July 26, 2024 – (SeaPRwire) – Today, Prilla (https://prilla.com/) announces its continued expansion into the online retail space for new pouch product. Notably, the website Prilla showcases its strength in the online retail space for pouch products, entailing a closer look into this market segment and what Prilla does to boost and sustain its growth. […]