Toll of shame and political dysfunction

The Washington National Cathedral rang its mourning bell 1,000 times on Monday last week, once for every 1,000 deaths from COVID-19 in the United States. That is the highest number of deaths in the world, while the total number of infections in the country exceeds 80 million, which is also the highest number worldwide. These […]

Lifting tariffs right choice for Biden

Editor's note: The US consumer price index rose to a 40-year high in April, prompting the Federal Reserve to hike interest rates, which has created serious economic problems for economies around the world, especially developing economies. Will the Fed's move reduce inflation in the US? Or, will it end up derailing the global economic recovery? […]

Summit slight highlights nature of US’ commitment to ASEAN

Instead of manifesting the United States' "long-term commitment" to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations as claimed, the US-ASEAN Special Summit proved to be an opportunity for the host to slight the guests. Held on Thursday and Friday, this was the first time the leaders of ASEAN member states were invited as collective guests of […]

Europe must not let Washington feed its fears

At the end of the Cold War, with the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, Europe should have said farewell to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It didn't. As a result, it now faces a security crisis. "Brain dead", it has allowed ideologue plotters in the United States to propel it into a security crisis that […]

United Labs GmbH Announces the Launch of Its Next Generation NFT Project – United Bear Society

United Bear Society’s artwork & live event plans look exciting Zurich, Switzerland, May 16, 2022 – (NovationWire) – United Labs GmbH announces the launch of next generation NFT project called United Bear Society. Their mission is to unite people through positive thinking & strength, in a world where segregation and discrimination sometimes get in between our shared […]

NovationWire: Newest Trends of Blockchain Computing 2022

Hong Kong, May 15, 2022 – (NovationWire) – Tailor Insight, the Asia based market research institute, has released a report on ‘Newest Trends of Blockchain Computing 2022’. Metaverse is a virtual world based on VR and AR technologies, in which users can interact with each other. Beyond social interactions, it will also be a place for shopping, events, education, and […]

HK’s continued success depends on rule of law

The rule of law remains the cornerstone of Hong Kong’s status as an international financial, trade and logistics center as well as a center for international legal and dispute-resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region. In the full implementation of “one country, two systems” and the Basic Law, Hong Kong’s rule-of-law ranking has always been at […]

Lee’s proposals address city’s urgent concerns

We would like to reflect upon chief executive-elect John Lee Ka-chiu’s election manifesto with two questions: Can implementation of the policies stipulated in the manifesto help Lee gain “output legitimacy” by meeting expectations for good governance and making serious attempts to solve some of the deep-seated socioeconomic problems of Hong Kong? Can implementation of the […]

Boosting Africa’s skills development

Education and development are inextricably linked. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” noted former South African president and Nobel peace laureate Nelson Mandela. Where there is no education, there is no development. Inversely, where there is no development, there is no education. In its reports, the World […]

Nurturing the next generation

(SHI YU / CHINA DAILY) China’s rapid growth in the past 40 years was fueled by substantial physical capital investments applied to its large stock of medium-skilled labor. However, the large supply of medium-skilled labor that fueled China’s growth is running dry.  The dependency burden is growing. Building a skilled workforce meets this demographic challenge […]

UK’s fiery rhetoric delusional

United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Liz Truss delivered a highly provocative speech at a recent London event during which she took aim at both Russia and China. The speech sought to frame global politics as a zero-sum ideological struggle. Truss also called for UK and NATO involvement in the Taiwan question. British foreign policy since Brexit […]

Aging a challenge for rural areas

(SHI YU / CHINA DAILY) China has an aging population, with the rural elderly population growing faster than the urban one.  Data from the seventh national census in 2021 show that the proportion of people aged 60 and 65 and above in rural areas has reached 23.81 percent and 17.72 percent — that is, 7.99 […]

Catalyst for green development

The Chinese government recently issued new green guidelines for the Belt and Road. The policy document from China’s top economic planner and three ministries is very good news for the planet. Aligned with the Paris Agreement on climate change, the guidelines are a great recipe for making the Belt and Road a vehicle for green […]

Renewal and hope in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region held its sixth-term chief executive election on May 8,  with the central leadership taking all necessary measures to prevent external forces from interfering in the process. Hong Kong has been a leading global financial and logistics center for decades. But the city’s rise as an exceptionally prosperous region under […]

Reform ensures rule of law

(MA XUEJING / CHINA DAILY) The fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has gradually subsided, and life is slowly returning to normal.  However, due to a lack of customs clearance between Hong Kong and the mainland, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the “Northern Metropolis” development plans […]

Promoting a stable, prosperous Asia

(SONG CHEN / CHINA DAILY) Last year marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of dialogue relations between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. At a commemorative summit in November, the two sides upgraded the bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership. As a result, China-ASEAN relations got off to a good start […]

World stands to reap gains from China’s virus strategy

A medical worker takes a swab sample from a citizen at a makeshift nucleic acid testing site during a mass testing for COVID-19 in Haidian district, Beijing, capital of China, April 26, 2022. (PHOTO / XINHUA) Shanghai’s response to the city’s surge in COVID-19 infections has been a continuation of China’s strong yet dynamic response […]

World needs less saber-rattling, more efforts to restore peace

French President Emmanuel Macron triggered controversy during his Europe Day speech in Strasbourg on Monday, by saying that Europe must learn from its mistakes and make sure no side is humiliated when Russia and Ukraine negotiate for peace. He was referring to Germany, which the Treaty of Versailles held responsible for starting the war and […]

Energy8 Labs Introduces Latest Bridge Solutions for GameFi Sector

Energy8 Labs Is Bringing a New Push to the GameFi Sector New York, NY, May 13, 2022 – (NovationWire) – Recently, Energy8 Labs has introduced the latest bridge solutions for GameFi industry. The main idea of Energy8 is to connect the world of blockchain technology and the gaming industry. The project team does not develop their own games. They take everyone’s […]

Schools in HK must rebuild appreciation of Chinese culture

Chief executive-elect John Lee Ka-chiu’s election manifesto focused on four broad areas, one of which was education, in the form of “building a caring society and emphasizing youth development”. Meanwhile, “enhancing the sense of belonging toward the country and the sense of national identity” was given a mention, before the issue of “Promoting the ‘STEAM’ […]

Govt communication with citizens must be enhanced through social media

I recently watched some documentaries of the 1960s and 1970s that inspired me on the issue of communication between a government and its citizens. In the past, the communication channels were limited.  If people wanted to receive some real-time government information, such as the “president’s speech” or the “prime minister’s announcement”, the only way was […]

Now is time to reconnect with our neighbor Macao

The easing of flight control restrictions and a subsequent announcement on permitting foreign visitors to enter Hong Kong amid the fifth wave of the pandemic presented business owners and expats with a major boost of optimism that the economy would soon return to normalcy. Given that the number of infected cases is currently declining, indicating […]

Dynamic-zero remains best approach

Omicron would overwhelm health system without controls, study finds Medical workers transfer a COVID-19 patient in East China's Shanghai, May 9, 2022. (PHOTO / XINHUA) The latest model by Chinese and United States scientists shows that the Omicron variant would place a severe strain on China's healthcare system and cause around 1.55 million deaths if […]

Strict pandemic control measures not contrary to market economy

A woman buys pineapples in a supermarket in Xuwen county, South China's Guangdong province, on March 6, 2021. (PHOTO / IC) Citing the strict COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control measures including distribution of medical supply and daily necessities, some people have been claiming that China is returning to a planned economy. That is ridiculous. People […]