‘Results-oriented’ ideology a commitment to action

Mr John Lee Ka-chiu has recently publicized his election manifesto for the 2022 Hong Kong chief executive election, campaigning for “starting a new chapter for Hong Kong together”. With 45 years’ experience serving in the public sector, rising from a front-line policeman to a leading government official, Mr Lee has demonstrated a firm conviction to […]

Manifesto heralds stability, revival

Chief executive election candidate John Lee Ka-chiu unveiled his policy platform on Friday. It covers four major policy areas: 1) reinforcing the government’s governance capability; 2) raising the pace, efficiency and quantity of housing development as well as the land lots it requires; 3) improving Hong Kong’s competitiveness, and 4) taking better care of local […]

A fountain of youths and their ideas

Editor's Note: May 4 marks the Youth Day of China, and May 5, 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China. How do young expatriates view the Chinese youth through their life and observation? How will the young shape the shared future? Following are excerpts from what some young […]

Building safety must receive greater scrutiny

Rescuers work at the collapse site of a self-constructed residential building in Changsha, Central China's Hunan province, May 1, 2022. (PHOTO / XINHUA) The collapse of a private building in Changsha, capital of Hunan province, on Friday, leaving more than 60 people trapped or missing, once again reminds people what a heavy price may be […]

Greater efforts required to strike right balance

Relatives of patients scan QR codes to have their health status registered before entering the emergency department of Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital in Beijing, May 2, 2022. (PHOTO / XINHUA) The central decision-makers have made it clear that "lying flat" and "co-existence" with COVID-19 are not an option for the country, and the efficient "dynamic clearing" […]

Sustainable development to guide John Lee’s initiatives

Chief executive candidate John Lee Ka-chiu knows talk is cheap, and he wants to make his mark by delivering results. This is laudable from a practical man. He commits to set KPIs (key performance indicators) for selected tasks within the first 100 days of his administration, starting on July 1, 2022. The selected tasks will […]

Next SAR govt built on strong foundations

Chief Executive candidate John Lee Ka-chiu is set to take over as the leader of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region within two months. This will be exactly halfway through the initial period of 50 years during which the “one country, two systems” regime is specified to operate, according to Article 5 of the Basic […]

Lee to make impact with strong, cohesive governance

John Lee Ka-chiu unveiled on April 29 his manifesto for the Sixth-term Chief Executive Election of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, to be held next month. As Lee is the only candidate in the election, his platform is perceived by some as a policy address of the next chief executive and, thus, has drawn […]

HK starts new page in a better political ecosystem

Chief executive election candidate Mr John Lee Ka-chiu has a vision for Hong Kong to be an open and free society and a first-rate international city well connected to the world and enjoying economic prosperity. But this, he surmises, must be grounded on peace and order, the rule of law, and above all, national security. […]

New election signals that HK is changing for the better

Upon reading John Lee Ka-chiu’s election manifesto for chief executive election 2022, released on April 29, and since his presence in a Q&A session online broadcast by radio and television the next day, I am convinced of a positive turnaround in Hong Kong when the new administration takes over on July 1. The unprecedented months-long […]

Cryptovoxels Is Rebranding to Voxels on May 3, 2022

New York, NY, May 3, 2022 – (SEAPRWire) – Cryptovoxels, one of the most significant players in the metaverse space, is rebranding to Voxels. The rebrand will happen on May 3rd at 8pm EDT (May 4th at noon New Zealand time). One of Web 3’s most popular communities, Cryptovoxels is a metaverse on the Ethereum blockchain where […]

Athenex、美國德薩斯州兒童癌症中心及貝勒醫學院 (Baylor College of Medicine) 的細胞和基因治療中心在 ASGCT 第 25 屆年會上展示用於治療復發/難治性高危神經母細胞瘤的自體 GD2 CAR-NKT 細胞療法 KUR-501 的 第 1 期臨床數據

由德薩斯州兒童癌症中心的先進先天細胞治療中心和貝勒醫學院的研究人員所提供 數據顯示,所有患者的 CAR-NKT 細胞在轉移後擴增,以及復發/難治神經母細胞瘤患者的客觀反應 療效證據包括具有 25% (3/12) 總緩解率 (ORR)、58%(4 例疾病穩定、2 例部分緩解、1 例完全緩解/12)疾病控制率 (DCR) …

Rules-based order: Hypocrisy masquerading as principle

The phrase “rule-based order” (RBO) is one of the most hackneyed in the West’s political lexicon, although “international” is increasingly included these days. It sounds good, can mean different things, and may be easily weaponized. It recalls Humpty Dumpty, who, in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass, told Alice that “when I use a word, it […]

John Lee has the capacity to put HK’s house in order

The former chief secretary for administration of Hong Kong, John Lee Ka-chiu, officially submitted his chief executive election candidacy application earlier this month after securing 786 nominations from the Election Committee. I have great expectations for Mr Lee’s leadership, believing that he is a suitable candidate for Hong Kong’s top post at a time when […]

P2E Game Drunk Robots Announce Its IDO

Tallinn, Estonia, May 2, 2022 – (SEAPRWire) – Drunk Robots is proud to announce its IDO launching. The IDO launches successfully on several launchpads, including Liquidifty and TrustPad, selling out all the allocated $METAL tokens. They were sold out in just 3 minutes a few months ago. Users still can buy $METAL on PancakeSwap and Gate.io, while robots are available off the […]

John Lee’s manifesto signals a restart for Hong Kong

Chief executive candidate John Lee Ka-chiu announced his election manifesto this morning, which puts an emphasis on four major areas; namely, strengthening the special administrative region government’s governance capability, boosting the land and housing supply, enhancing Hong Kong’s overall competitiveness while pursuing sustainable development, and building a caring and inclusive society with an emphasis on […]

Nations free to choose their destiny

The Chinese and Australian national flags on a celebration event in Sydney, Australia, on Sept 8, 2019. (PHOTO / XINHUA) It is hard to take seriously the reaction that has been whipped up following the signing of a security agreement between China and the Solomon Islands on April 19. While the pact exemplifies China’s initiative […]

BRICS can play peacemaker role

As Winston Churchill was working to help establish the United Nations after the end of World War II, he famously said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” The same applies today, and we should not let the Ukrainian tragedy go to waste. After almost two months of conflict, and the deaths of thousands […]

Passing the buck on inflation

Data released recently by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the consumer price index in the United States jumped 8.5 percent in March over the same period last year, a record high in 40 years, while the producer price index also rose at a faster pace. US President Joe Biden blamed the high […]